Acne does not heal with some miracle product or prescription. There can be many reasons why you are struggling with your acne, and it's not your fault. There are thousands of products, treatments, and medicines that claim to cure acne, and I am guessing you have tried quite a few of them.
One product, one treatment, with no lifestyle change approach will not eliminate your acne. This program is designed to help find your personal acne triggers (some of which may surprise you), then we work on creating a healthy skin barrier as well as fight acne through home care, treatments, and lifestyle adjustments.
The goal is clear & healthy skin.
How it works
Initial Consult
Our in house acne expert will evaluate your skin, go over acne consultation forms, discuss the program, recommended products and see if we are a good fit for you. Bring your current products (or photos) of all skincare, makeup, body products, and supplements you regularly use.
Initial Consult is $40.
Acne Education
Each visit we will continue to talk about what causes acne, what may be causing your acne and what is healing your skin and why. This is such an important part in the process as after the bootcamp has ended you will have knowledge to keep your skin clear and make adjustments as needed down the road.
Individualized Skin Care
Everyone has different acne, skin type, and skin history. So each routine will be adjusted to individual needs.
Price range for your initial home care regimen is $185-$300.
Gut Health
From day 1 we will discuss food and acne. What food could be upsetting your gut and creating inflammation in your body, which causes acne. By keeping a food diary or doing a food elimination diet we will narrow down what foods might be triggering inflammation in your body.
Happy Gut = Happy Skin.
In-Clinic Treatments
Acne bootcamp clients are required for a 30 minute in clinic treatment every 2 weeks. A variety of treatments such as chemical peels, extractions, enzymes, derma planing, facial massage and nourishing ingredients may be used.
Each treatment is $75.
A minimum of 6 treatments is required for this bootcamp program.
Hormone Balancing Herbs
If we believe hormones are affecting you then this will be a part of your program.
Hormonal imbalances in the body can be triggering your acne. Balance of hormones directly affects how our bodies function. A right balance translates into a better state of well-being. Imbalance can lead to acne, fatigue, impaired immune function, and more. Using daily herbal supplements we can help create balance to help clear your skin.
Initial costs $30-100.